Securing Your Home Against Pet Poisons

We love our pets and want them to be happy and healthy. We provide them with good food, fresh water, and any pet medications they might need. Their toy bins are overflowing. Their beds are clean, soft, and almost as comfortable as our human beds. We snuggle and cuddle with our pets as often as we can. We know their every cue that tells us what they want next from us. But how much do we know about dangerous poisons that pets could access in our homes?
Prevent Accidental Pet Poisonings in Your Home.
Accidental pet poisonings occur by the thousands every year. Pet poison prevention starts with you! Be sure to keep medications, household chemicals, and garbage cans out of reach or locked away from curious pets as well as:
- Keep aspirin and other human drugs off of nightstands or countertops.
- Secure rodent poisons and traps behind closed cabinet doors.
- Inspect your garage for open boxes or jars of harmful toxins—this includes rodent poisons and fertilizers.
- Be sure household plants are safe for your pets before bringing them into your home.
Medicate Your Pet With Approval From Your Vet
Occasionally you may need to take an antidiarrheal medication. Can your dog or cat have a tablespoon of your medicine? Check with your vet. Many seemingly harmless over-the-counter medications can make your pets sick or worse. Always ask your trusted veterinarian before giving medicines to your household pets. Make sure your flea and tick product is approved by your veterinarian.
Even Table Scraps Can Poison Your Pet
Do you share your salty potato chips or popcorn with your dog? Those salty snacks could hurt your pet’s kidneys. Below is a shortlist of foods that can seriously harm your pet:
- Some beverages like coffee and tea are stimulants that can increase your pet’s blood pressure and even cause seizures. Alcohol will affect your pet’s nervous system and could be lethal.
- Sweet treats like chocolate (a stimulant) or any treats that contain Xylitol can cause liver failure in dogs.
- Fatty foods can lead to pancreatitis.
- Foods that contain garlic or onions—even in powdered form—can damage red blood cells which carry oxygen throughout your pet’s body.
- Avocados will likely upset your dog’s stomach causing vomiting or diarrhea.
- Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure.
Table scraps can contain a variety of hidden toxic dangers, so be sure to follow your veterinarian’s nutritional recommendations when feeding your pets.
How will I know if my pet has been poisoned?
Your pet can’t tell you what’s wrong, so know the most common symptoms of pet poisonings:
- Vomiting and diarrhea
- Seizures—foaming around the mouth, loss of balance
- Bloody stools, nosebleeds, or bruises
- Tired or no appetite
- A racing heart or irregular heartbeat
- Can’t urinate
If you think your pet has been poisoned, call us immediately at (210) 681‑1391 to receive first-aid instructions. Please, do not try to treat your pet without your veterinarian’s approval.