Posts in Category: Fleas Ticks & Heartworm
Understanding Lyme Disease In Dogs

Quite reasonably, people are a tad squeamish when it comes to ticks. It’s not just their arachnid features or their stealthy natures. Ticks raise our collective hackles so effectively because they are known vectors of serious diseases like anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, and of course, Lyme disease. Texas is considered a low-incidence state for Lyme disease, but many Texan dogs visit other states with higher rates of transmission. Because of this, it remains crucial to protect dogs from ticks.
Continue…San Antonio Puppy and Kitten Care

Did you recently bring home a new puppy or kitten? If you’re looking for puppy or kitten care in San Antonio, the caring team at Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital would love to help. We provide leading-edge (yet affordable) veterinary care for pets in the San Antonio, Helotes, and Leon Valley areas.
Starting out your life with your kitten or puppy is incredibly exciting. It can also cause all sorts of questions to pop up in your mind. Here are some of the most common kitten and puppy care questions we get—along with answers to help guide your first days with your new furry friend.
Continue…Heartworm Disease Prevention 101

If there is one pet problem that every owner should be aware of, the team at Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital thinks heartworm disease should definitely be in the top five. This deadly disease is very preventable, which makes education all the more important. Do you know how to prevent heartworm disease? If not, keep reading to find out.
Continue…How to Prevent Lyme Disease in Pets

Even folks that don’t consider themselves “outdoorsy” find themselves under the great big blue sky every once in a while. One drawback to the natural world is our vulnerability to bugs. While we can swat at flies or run away from wasps, ticks lie in wait for us to simply walk by their perch. Unlike leaping fleas or hovering mosquitoes, ticks hide themselves well and are extremely patient for their next blood meal to arrive.
Continue…Tick Prevention for Dogs That Lasts All Year

The overlapping space between wildlife and people makes it easier for ticks to thrive. These parasites can’t fly; instead, they proliferate in overgrown grass and shrubbery simply waiting for new hosts to come by. Feasting on the blood of various mammals, birds, and reptiles, ticks are super hardy and here to stay. Dog owners can do a lot to reduce the risks of vector-borne illness, making tick prevention for dogs a high priority.
Continue…Year-Round Tick Prevention For Cats

There is a good reason that parasites are lumped together: they’re all bad! Fleas, ticks, and heartworm-carrying mosquitos are responsible for a great deal of animal suffering. In addition to painfully itchy skin, secondary infections, and more, these pesky parasites can also spread disease. Of the most well-known vector-borne illnesses, Lyme disease is a serious threat to animal (and human) welfare. As such, tick prevention for cats is an important priority.
Continue…Not Your Average Flea: Other Parasites that Can Harm Your Pet

Each spring, most pet owners turn their attention to the warmer weather, opportunity for outdoor reaction, and, of course, those nasty parasites that truly bug us. These fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes are the bane of most of our outdoor fun. These parasites also bother our pets, so it’s no doubt that the responsible pet owner will maintain parasite preventives to reduce their risk of vector-borne disease.
But what about those other parasitic pests that can harm pets? There are actually a few lesser known parasites that cause health problems for our four-leggeds, and sometimes for us, too.
Read on as the team at Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital explains other parasites that can harm your pet.
Continue…Tapeworms in Cats and Dogs

Parasites are an unfortunate topic, but a necessary one if we are to keep our pets parasite free. Tapeworms in cats and dogs are common, but luckily easy to prevent. Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital has the skinny on these nasty parasites, including how to get rid of them once and for all.
What Are Tapeworms in Cats and Dogs?
Tapeworms in cats and dogs are parasites that set up shop in the intestinal tract. The worms are flat and segmented with a head that attaches to the intestinal wall. Several species of tapeworms can affect pets but by far the most common is Dipylidium caninum.
An adult tapeworm can reach 6 inches in length and has the appearance of a white piece of tape or ribbon. Tapeworm segments detach from the worm and are shed in your pet’s feces. Once in the environment, the tapeworm segments break apart, releasing the eggs, which eventually become tapeworm larvae.
Continue…Beat the Bugs in Your Yard With Pet Safe Mosquito Control
For much of the year in San Antonio, mosquitos are an unfortunate part of life thanks to our humid summers and mild winters. Besides being annoying to both people and pets, mosquitoes can also transmit a variety of diseases, such as West Nile virus and Zika virus. Since there are no vaccines or cures for these illnesses, protecting your pets and family from mosquitoes is critical.
However, while keeping bugs at bay is important, dousing your property with harsh chemicals can be dangerous, especially when you have pets. Fortunately, a little bit of creativity and elbow grease is all you need to accomplish pet safe mosquito control. Continue…
5 Things You Didn’t Know About Pet Parasite Prevention
Parasites are a fact of life and they can range from annoying (fleas) to deadly (heartworm), and everything in between. These tiny creatures can create a world of misery for both pets and their owners, making pet parasite prevention a vitally important part of your pet care plan.
As with any aspect of your pet’s well-being, it’s important to do your research and figure out what will work best for your pet, and you. Here are a few things you may not know about pet parasite prevention.