Posts in Category: The Great Outdoors
How to Prevent Lyme Disease in Pets

Even folks that don’t consider themselves “outdoorsy” find themselves under the great big blue sky every once in a while. One drawback to the natural world is our vulnerability to bugs. While we can swat at flies or run away from wasps, ticks lie in wait for us to simply walk by their perch. Unlike leaping fleas or hovering mosquitoes, ticks hide themselves well and are extremely patient for their next blood meal to arrive.
Continue…How to Deal With Fly Bites

Black flies (sometimes called buffalo gnats) can ruin a backyard barbecue and make our pets extremely uncomfortable. These little buggers bite, and they like to zero in on a pet’s tender areas, like their ears, noses, tummies, and rumps. Working dogs on farms are the most commonly affected, but black flies can attack any pet at any time. Although black flies don’t transmit diseases like ticks and mosquitoes, their bites can lead to secondary infections—or worse for pets allergic to them.
Continue…Can My Pet Get Skin Cancer?

Although they love their time in the sun, pets can be at risk for skin cancer just as humans can. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), the most common type of cancer diagnosed in dogs is skin. Although cats are less likely to be diagnosed with skin cancer, they can still develop it, especially if they have short hair and frequent sun exposure. It is important to maintain your pet’s annual wellness exams, where they receive head-to-claw examinations, including a skin examination. Skin cancer can be detected at these visits, but it is important for pet owners to be informed and on the lookout as well, especially as their pets get older.
Continue…3 Ways to Help Your Dog Deal With Allergies

Itchy, watery eyes, red skin, or a symphony of sneezes could signal that your canine companion is battling allergies. Our team at Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital is here to help you get to the root cause of your pup’s itching and scratching. By working together, we can alleviate those uncomfortable symptoms of dog allergies.
First, let’s talk about common allergens and their related symptoms. Then, we’ll cover three ways to curb that chronic discomfort and get your itchy dog back to his playful, happy-go-lucky self.
Continue…Treat Your Cat’s Allergies in Three Steps

Allergies are unquestionably irritating to pets and people alike. They have the potential to completely ruin a day, but if left alone, allergies can create long-term health complications. While they can be uncovered early on in life, cats can develop allergic reactions at any time and for many possible reasons. We’ll go into the most likely causes and the three best ways to treat your cat’s allergies.
Continue…8 Ways to Prepare Your Pet for Summer

With the dog (or cat!) days of summer fast approaching, it’s time to make plans for summertime activities with your pet. But before hitting the beach or the hiking trail, check out these tips from our experts for ways to beat the heat and keep your pet safe this summer.
Continue…Tick Prevention for Dogs That Lasts All Year

The overlapping space between wildlife and people makes it easier for ticks to thrive. These parasites can’t fly; instead, they proliferate in overgrown grass and shrubbery simply waiting for new hosts to come by. Feasting on the blood of various mammals, birds, and reptiles, ticks are super hardy and here to stay. Dog owners can do a lot to reduce the risks of vector-borne illness, making tick prevention for dogs a high priority.
Continue…Year-Round Tick Prevention For Cats

There is a good reason that parasites are lumped together: they’re all bad! Fleas, ticks, and heartworm-carrying mosquitos are responsible for a great deal of animal suffering. In addition to painfully itchy skin, secondary infections, and more, these pesky parasites can also spread disease. Of the most well-known vector-borne illnesses, Lyme disease is a serious threat to animal (and human) welfare. As such, tick prevention for cats is an important priority.
Continue…Dog House Design for Pet Owners

Your dog deserves the best. You chose that in pet wellness care at Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital, in the dog food you selected, and in the people you picked to care for them. Why not their dog house? If you are thinking about DIY’ing dog house design or repair, be sure that you do it right! Here are some of our favorite tips and finds:
Continue…Keeping Your Pet Cool and Hydrated in the Summer

Straw hats and sunscreen, and a pitcher of lemon water will keep you cool as a cucumber in the summer. How can you be sure that your pet is cool and hydrated, too? There are lots of ways to keep your pet safe from overheating and dehydration.