Safely Storing Household Cleaners and Other Pet Toxins

Most of us use a wide variety of chemical-based products in our home and on the lawn and garden. Unless you have switched to eco-friendly and pet safe products, these cleaners, pesticides, and other products can harm your pet if they come into contact with them.
Despite how noxious and unappealing they seem to us, hazardous household products can seem interesting (or even appetizing) to a curious pet.
Your friends at Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital is here to help keep your pet safe and protected from harmful chemicals. Here are a few ways to effectively store these pet toxins while not in use.
Storing Toxic Products Away From Pets
There are times when we need to use a stronger cleanser or spray, like when we have an ant infestation or to combat mildew in a bathroom. These products can be helpful, but they need to be used and stored with great caution. Keep the following common toxins out of your pet’s reach.
Pet-Proof Your Bathroom and Medicine Cabinet
This area of the home is rife with pet toxins. From toilet bowl cleaners to medications, this area of the home should be swept for possible poisons, such as:
- Tub and tile cleaner
- Toilet bowl cleaner and tank additives
- Ammonia
- Toothpaste and mouthwash
- Vitamins and supplements
- Over the counter medicines and prescription drugs
One of the most frequently reported poisoning causes by pets is ingestion of medications. Keep all medications in a secure cupboard. Stow cleaners and other bathroom products in a bathroom cupboard that is difficult to open.
Kitchen and Pantry
The kitchen is also one of the most likely places where your pet will encounter a poison. From toxic foods, like Xylitol, caffeine, chocolate, grapes, and raisins, there are numerous household cleaners that generally reside here.
To keep your pet safe, store all chemicals in a pet proof cupboard, closet, or pantry that has the security of a child-proof locking system. These dangerous products include:
- Household cleaners
- Carpet cleaners
- Insecticides
- Rodenticides
- Liquid potpourri
- Oven cleaners
- Polish and wax
Compost and garbage bins are another source of pet poisoning because they contain things like onions, garlic, and mold that are hazardous to pets. Ensure that you cover these bins or otherwise move them to an area where your pet isn’t allowed.
Garage and Storage
Automobile additives, deck and patio cleaners, paint thinner, and other chemicals are stored in most garages, attics, and other storage areas. Antifreeze poisoning affects thousands of pets each year, as well as other wildlife. Any corrosive or hazardous material needs to be carefully stored in a heavy duty locker or shed that can be locked and secured.
These chemicals that harm include:
- Auto additives, such as antifreeze, motor oil, brake fluid, etc.
- Insecticides, pesticides, and fertilizer
- Moth balls
- Rodenticide
- Paint and paint thinners
- Wood stain
Look for any spills after using these products and clean them up right away. Periodically, check under your car to see if there are any leaks.
Safely storing possible pet toxins is a necessary step in keeping your furry one safe. It may seem strange to us, why a pet would be interested in these dangerous things, but some pets will eat everything. After all, our four-legged friends are endlessly curious.
For more information on pet toxins, please contact our team.