Posts Tagged: Household Pet Toxins
Safely Storing Household Cleaners and Other Pet Toxins

Most of us use a wide variety of chemical-based products in our home and on the lawn and garden. Unless you have switched to eco-friendly and pet safe products, these cleaners, pesticides, and other products can harm your pet if they come into contact with them.
Despite how noxious and unappealing they seem to us, hazardous household products can seem interesting (or even appetizing) to a curious pet.
Your friends at Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital is here to help keep your pet safe and protected from harmful chemicals. Here are a few ways to effectively store these pet toxins while not in use.
Continue…Spring Has Sprung! And With It Comes Spring Pet Toxins

Spring is in the air, and we are all ready to get outside! Even with the mild winters of San Antonio, there’s nothing like the first spring breeze and a little more daylight to get the spring fever started. Our pets feel the pull of the season as well, and are eager to stretch their legs in the sun, too.
But more outdoor time sometimes means that – surprise! – your pet got into something they shouldn’t, and you wind up at the emergency clinic. With our list of spring pet toxins, Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital can help you keep these surprises to a minimum as the weather warms up.