Posts Tagged: Pet Nutrition
Our Two Favorite Things: Pizza and Pets

Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital is pretty sure that when it comes to the most enjoyable things in life, pizza and pets top the list. But do they go together? We would like to think so, but there are some things to take into consideration.
Anatomy of a Pizza
Baked dough, cheese, and delicious toppings – what could be better than pizza? Our pets most likely agree, but pizza is not necessarily totally benign when it comes to our animal friends.
When it comes to pizza and pets there are definitely some things to think about.
Breaking it down into its mouthwatering little parts, consider:
Is There a Link Between Grain Free Diets and Heart Disease?

Conscientious pet parents are always on the lookout for ways to enhance the lives of their pets. We vow to take them on more walks, buy them the latest Furbo, and make sure to schedule a wellness exam every year. But what about the food we give them?
Research shows that feeding your pet a high-quality diet is linked to better health outcomes and a longer lifespan. However, some diets are causing concern among veterinary specialists. In fact, earlier this summer, the FDA issued a cautionary statement that grain free diets may be linked to the development of a condition in dogs called dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). However, as of this fall, veterinary experts are linking the problem instead to boutique, exotic, or grain free diets. Stay tuned as we explore the possible link between grain free diets and heart disease.
Continue…Does My Dog Need a Diet?
Weight loss is a tough subject, for humans and pets alike! It’s a challenge, especially when we realize we may have spent the winter months on the couch a bit too much, or perhaps eaten one too many desserts. But, for our pets (and for us!), losing weight can add years to their lives and make those years healthier and happier.
The most recent veterinary surveys tell us that over half of our nation’s pets are either overweight or obese. Extra weight may seem to make them extra snuggly, but in reality, overweight pets are at risk for serious and debilitating health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and high blood pressure.
Helping your pet to lose weight might be easier than you think. Below, our team gears up to answer the question, does my dog need a diet, or just more exercise? Continue…
The Great Food Debate: When it Comes to Pet Nutrition, What is Best?
Most pets exhibit a clear preference for wet or dry food, but that doesn’t always mean their choice is the healthiest. Indeed, every pet is an individual and, as such, requires individual attention when it comes to lifelong nutritional needs. But the question remains, what is truly better for pet nutrition: wet or dry food?
More Than Holiday Weight: Pet Obesity and Nutrition
Possibly one of the most staggering statistics we’ve seen lately states that over half of all our nation’s cats and dogs. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 54% of all American cats and dogs are considered overweight or obese. What does this mean for your pet?
There is a great deal you can do now if your pet is tipping the scale and, by actively participating in your pet’s optimal balance of nutrition and exercise, your pet may live longer and enjoy a higher quality of life. Continue…