Posts Tagged: Pet Toxins
Eat, Drink, and Be Merry! Holiday Food Dangers for Pets

The season is upon us where we often enjoy festive and indulgent meals amongst our family and friends. While your pets may not be directly included in your holiday meal plans, oftentimes they are a part of the event. Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital wants to be sure that you know how to safely include your furry family member and what holiday food dangers for pets you should be aware of.
Continue…Safely Storing Household Cleaners and Other Pet Toxins

Most of us use a wide variety of chemical-based products in our home and on the lawn and garden. Unless you have switched to eco-friendly and pet safe products, these cleaners, pesticides, and other products can harm your pet if they come into contact with them.
Despite how noxious and unappealing they seem to us, hazardous household products can seem interesting (or even appetizing) to a curious pet.
Your friends at Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital is here to help keep your pet safe and protected from harmful chemicals. Here are a few ways to effectively store these pet toxins while not in use.
Continue…Take Time to Smell the (Safe) Flowers: Prevent a Pet Poisoning This Spring
Spring feels like the perfect time to throw caution to the wind and go a little hog wild, right? Sure, it’s exciting to have longer days and be able to use the extra time to plant and prune. But without a springtime primer on how to prevent a pet poisoning, seasonal safety can find itself on the backburner.
Rat Bait, Not Cat Bait: Rodenticide Poisoning in Pets
Pet poisonings happen secondary to exposure to all sorts of things. It might be helping themselves to some chocolate, applying the wrong type of flea preventive to your cat, or drinking some sweet antifreeze from the driveway. However, one of the most common animal toxicities we see at Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital is rodenticide poisoning in pets. Learn what you need to know about keeping your animals safe from this tricky toxin.
Pets and People Food: What You Can and Can’t Feed Your Pets
You know the scene, you’ve just sat down at dinner, opened a fresh package of cheese, or cracked a can of tuna and there’s your pet… Looking up at you with those soulful eyes, head cocked, maybe a paw curled up or an inquisitive mew… Sometimes it’s hard to say no.
As difficult as it is to deny your pet the foods you eat, it is important to know which people foods are safe for your four-legged friend, and which aren’t. So before you let Fluffy or Fido snarffle down your leftover breakfast burrito or share your ice cream, read up on what’s what when it comes to pets and people food.
Pets and People Food: Healthy and Delicious
Here are some healthy food options to enhance your pet’s diet. Keep in mind, these foods are not suggested as a meal replacement. And remember, those extra calories do add up Continue…