A family playing with their puppy.

If you have known anyone who has lost a pet, you know the extreme heartbreak that ensues is incomparable to anything else. Because pets are naturally curious and want to explore their surroundings, it is important to ensure that they have a way to be found if they become lost. The quick solution is to apply a pet collar with an ID tag, however, these can easily break, fall off, or can be removed by others. 

Though it is hard to believe, approximately 10 million cats and dogs are lost or stolen each year. Microchips are a permanent ID solution that has helped countless families reunite with their fluffy loved ones. 

Our veterinary team would be happy to help explain more about the benefits of microchipping at your initial visit. In the meantime, here are some of the microchip basics.

Microchip 101

A microchip might sound like some high-tech gadget out of the future, but in reality, it is a very simple computer chip about the size of a grain of rice. It is best to microchip your pet within the first few weeks of having them.

What you need to know about the microchip:

  • It is permanently implanted under the skin between the shoulder blades
  • It is a relatively painless procedure, similar to receiving a vaccine
  • It contains a unique ID number
  • It is linked via a national registry to your contact information
  • It does not function like GPS–you cannot track your pet
  • Most vet clinics have scanners that read microchips
  • It lasts for the pet’s lifetime
  • It is an inexpensive procedure

Making the Microchip Work for You

There is a critical final step in the microchipping process that requires your participation. Once your pet is microchipped, you will be provided with information to go online and enter your contact information. If you do not do this, your pet won’t actually be linked to your contact information. Once you enter the details online, the unique microchip ID will contain your name and phone number, so someone can contact you if they find your pet. Make sure to update your contact information if you move or change your phone number. To ensure someone can always be reached about your pet, we advise that you enter at least one other emergency contact in the registry.

Pets who have microchips are 50% more likely to be reunited with their loving families. Our veterinary team at Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital would love to discuss their recommendations for microchipping with you. Please contact us to schedule an appointment to learn more.